Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Thanks for your messages to my princess!
Lim Guan Eng: Congrats
Nicholas Leong Sai Kwan: Congratulations YB.........remeber to invite all your facebook memebrs on your baby girl full moon party lor :)
Miss Lam: 恭喜你喜获千金!
Lau Keng Ee: Congratulation
Lau Keng Ee: All the state committees cheers to u
Yeap Poh Looi: 恭喜你了。
Lim Siew Khim: Congrates Papa…:-P
Yeoh Kok Thye: 恭贺《明珠入掌》
Phnuah Su Ling: 恭喜你;-)当老豆拉
Tan Xin Ying: Congratulations!
Ng Ya Ling: Congratulations on ur new born baby girl.
Patrick Neoh: Congratulation for the new born daughter.
Tan Lian Hock: Congratulation princess is coming
Wong Hon Wai: Congrats!
Jagdeep Singh: Congratulations on becoming a new dad! All the best to you, wife and the baby! fr jagdeep and family.
A.T. Ong: Congratulation Y.b. God bless you with a cute and beautiful baby girl today.
蔡爱卿: 喜得麟儿,可喜可贺!
Yusniliron: Tahniah YB. Lelaki atau perempuan
Ong Beng Guat: CONGRATULATIONS! Well done. I always like d first to b a girl. Send regards to Poh See for me.
Soon Lip Chee: Congratulation to u. dady. Ha ha. :-)
Adreena Ng: Congrats, promote become PAPA liao.
Wong Kim Fei: Congratulation!
Cheong Yin Fan: Congratulation!
Khye Kok: 恭喜恭喜~~~YB 爸爸
Leonard Kong: Congratulation...!!!
Chew Siew Yeong: 恭喜恭喜啦:P快快传上小娃娃的照片吧!
Chinliang Cheah: 恭喜小火箭出世咯!!!
Pauline Puah: Congratulations new papa!
Vijayananthan Muthukumarasamy: congrats....
TongKai Ang: 恭喜,恭喜,最重要有20根指。
Sew Kheng See Too: 恭喜啊!!!!!!!!!
JJ Choo: congrats bro...
Jason Teoh: Congratulation YB
Jeffrey Chew: Congrats comrade
Chan Tai Aun: Congratulations ya...
Phua Keng Yong: congrats...
Muhammad Firdaus Christopher: Congrats WA..
Dane Chong: Congratz :)
Violet Loo: 在恭喜你的同时,我也会加油的。哈哈!
Aaron Ting: congrats congrats! welcome to the world baby!
Jacky Chung: congratulations YB!!
Teh TehDream: Cong Xi....
Raven N.C. Teh: congrats.....:D
Lim Chuin Nian: 恭喜恭喜,孩子叫什么名呢?
012-7693xxx: 恭喜小公主诞生!!: D
王礼祥: 恭喜您初为人父,在此祝贺你幸福美满,女儿快高长大。王礼祥
012-4564xxx: 恭喜当爸爸啦!但愿一家人平安幸福!
012-2148xxx: 恭喜当爸爸妈妈了!
012-4383xxx: 恭喜你荣升爸爸行列!也恭喜你与宝丝喜或麟儿。
Lee Chee Seng: Congratulations on your new born baby, hope that she will be as beautiful as her mom. Happy CNY from: chee seng, family and DAP NEW Komtar MEMBERS
A.T. Ong: Congratulation Y.b. God bless you with a cute and beautiful baby girl today.
Jeffrey Chew: Congratulations papa yb ng
Yeoh Soon Hin: Congratulations to you become a FATHER!
Ch’ng Chin Keat: 恭喜你了。做爸爸了要乖一点了喔。
曾雪爱: 恭喜你!
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Nicholas Leong Sai Kwan: Congratulations YB.........remeber to invite all your facebook memebrs on your baby girl full moon party lor :)
Miss Lam: 恭喜你喜获千金!
Lau Keng Ee: Congratulation
Lau Keng Ee: All the state committees cheers to u
Yeap Poh Looi: 恭喜你了。
Lim Siew Khim: Congrates Papa…:-P
Yeoh Kok Thye: 恭贺《明珠入掌》
Phnuah Su Ling: 恭喜你;-)当老豆拉
Tan Xin Ying: Congratulations!
Ng Ya Ling: Congratulations on ur new born baby girl.
Patrick Neoh: Congratulation for the new born daughter.
Tan Lian Hock: Congratulation princess is coming
Wong Hon Wai: Congrats!
Jagdeep Singh: Congratulations on becoming a new dad! All the best to you, wife and the baby! fr jagdeep and family.
A.T. Ong: Congratulation Y.b. God bless you with a cute and beautiful baby girl today.
蔡爱卿: 喜得麟儿,可喜可贺!
Yusniliron: Tahniah YB. Lelaki atau perempuan
Ong Beng Guat: CONGRATULATIONS! Well done. I always like d first to b a girl. Send regards to Poh See for me.
Soon Lip Chee: Congratulation to u. dady. Ha ha. :-)
Adreena Ng: Congrats, promote become PAPA liao.
Wong Kim Fei: Congratulation!
Cheong Yin Fan: Congratulation!
Khye Kok: 恭喜恭喜~~~YB 爸爸
Leonard Kong: Congratulation...!!!
Chew Siew Yeong: 恭喜恭喜啦:P快快传上小娃娃的照片吧!
Chinliang Cheah: 恭喜小火箭出世咯!!!
Pauline Puah: Congratulations new papa!
Vijayananthan Muthukumarasamy: congrats....
TongKai Ang: 恭喜,恭喜,最重要有20根指。
Sew Kheng See Too: 恭喜啊!!!!!!!!!
JJ Choo: congrats bro...
Jason Teoh: Congratulation YB
Jeffrey Chew: Congrats comrade
Chan Tai Aun: Congratulations ya...
Phua Keng Yong: congrats...
Muhammad Firdaus Christopher: Congrats WA..
Dane Chong: Congratz :)
Violet Loo: 在恭喜你的同时,我也会加油的。哈哈!
Aaron Ting: congrats congrats! welcome to the world baby!
Jacky Chung: congratulations YB!!
Teh TehDream: Cong Xi....
Raven N.C. Teh: congrats.....:D
Lim Chuin Nian: 恭喜恭喜,孩子叫什么名呢?
012-7693xxx: 恭喜小公主诞生!!: D
王礼祥: 恭喜您初为人父,在此祝贺你幸福美满,女儿快高长大。王礼祥
012-4564xxx: 恭喜当爸爸啦!但愿一家人平安幸福!
012-2148xxx: 恭喜当爸爸妈妈了!
012-4383xxx: 恭喜你荣升爸爸行列!也恭喜你与宝丝喜或麟儿。
Lee Chee Seng: Congratulations on your new born baby, hope that she will be as beautiful as her mom. Happy CNY from: chee seng, family and DAP NEW Komtar MEMBERS
A.T. Ong: Congratulation Y.b. God bless you with a cute and beautiful baby girl today.
Jeffrey Chew: Congratulations papa yb ng
Yeoh Soon Hin: Congratulations to you become a FATHER!
Ch’ng Chin Keat: 恭喜你了。做爸爸了要乖一点了喔。
曾雪爱: 恭喜你!
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Thanks for your messages to my princess! - Part 2
Phee Boon Poh: Sdr YB NG, Congratulations on your NEW BORN BABY
Snowpiano Pang 彭雪琴: Congratulation! :D
美少妇: 恭喜你哦,你女儿应该大我女儿几天,我也在等待我家千金在这几天出世。恭喜恭喜荣升父亲。
Lian Hock Tan: 恭喜你总已为人父亲, 在此祝一家安康,也盼你事事如意,更上一层楼。Congratulations
Richard Loh: Congratulation YB
Mel Hung: congratz!!!
MeowSuan Tan: Congrat to u YB
Chan Khong Gin: Congratulation !!!
Cheong Mun Hong: Congratulation, YB Ng!!!
Wilson Teoh: What's her name?
Joseph Wong: congratulation Yb...2day 1st price 1008...hehe
Carly Phnuah: 哈哈,有空我要去看BB!!
Larry Cheng: congrats ~ now we have another future 校记 :D
Lee Shew Yean: 恭喜恭喜哦!当了爸爸了!哈哈!
Lee Shew Yean: 《光华》美丝:恭喜你20年后当岳父大人!
Pua Kai Chek: YB 那么快?你不是刚结婚不久吗?
Lee Shaw Yun: 恭喜
Chow Kum Hor: congrats!
Sin Hui: congratulation!
Steven Sim: congrats...hope mom and daughter in good health. see u later in ipoh
Liou Chen Kuang: congratulation!
Jeffrey Chew: congrats!
Lee Swee Lan: 恭喜!恭喜!恭喜!
Ng Yon Kok: Congratulation!
Chuah Jia Yi: 恭喜你哦~~
Crystal Chiam Shiying: keong hee keong hee~~~
Tay Leong Seng 戴良成: congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yen Han Lee: Congratulations la~~
Boon Hooi Khoo: congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adele Lee: kong xi kong xi......
Eddy Koay: congratulation :D
Kong Kok Heng: Congratulations!
Huey Mei: tahniah
Lian Hock Tan: 恭喜你已升为人父,也祝你一家安康,事事顺意,更上一层楼。 Congratulations ! what the baby cute name ?
Lian Hock Tan: 要早点回家及多陪太太和孩子,几时可看BB 呢 ?
Liew 崇正: Congratulations! YB
Dennis Cheah: Congratulations...
Cindy Teh: congrats!
Lian Hock Tan: 恭喜 - 很像你那样子, 哈哈哈
Eric Liew: congratulation...
Joyce Chen: Congratulation!
鄔永隆: 恭喜!!!
Bernard Cheah: Congratulations, YB! Hope all's well with you, your wife and the baby!~
BC? and MEL!
Joseph Ng: Congrats....
Angeline Yeoh Seow Hong: Congratulation ya!
Kah Yin: wow... congrats...
Carolyn O: congrats!
KuanSun Ong: 恭喜恭喜
Mimi Kong: congratulation!!!!!
Butcher Tan: Congrats!
Charlene Liw: congrads!!! bb gal or bb boy??
Jiun Ming: Congrats YB....
Lee Wei Jie: congrats YB...
Kim Low: Congrats!
Jason Sim: congratulations YB!
Chee Kwei Yunn: congrats
Wilson Teoh: Finally ... you are a DAD! CONGRATS!!!
Elaine Teh: Congrats ~~~ is baby boy or girl ?
Yee Law: congratulation to u and bao shi^^
Pak Malek Baretta: Tahniah...
Lu Stephen: Congratulation, and welcome to the club
Chan Ai Chen: Congratulation ^_^
陳漢光: 你生就一副岳父相兼家公相,再加油!与此同时,抽多点时间陪孩子伟大的妈妈。
Delphine Fan Yeen Lee: 恭喜恭喜恭恭喜,當了爸爸的偉益哦,不要當兇巴巴哦
胡慧君: 恭喜恭喜!踏入新的一年就喜事连连。
Mohd Izam Bin Hassan: Congrats 2U n ur wifey on ur newborn. [via Celcom SMS]
Lee Chun Beng: Congratulation!!!
Julio Lee: 哇!恭喜!
Ta Phaik Shan: 恭喜发财!红包拿来~
李菁雲: 剛好赶得及新年拿紅包,可喜可賀!
Bryan Lai Thiem Wah: 恭喜恭喜!!!!!做爸爸咯!!!!!
Liu Kim Moi: 恭喜。
Jen Yann: congratulation!!
Chan Lilian: Congratulations to you, YB.
Jeffrey Chew: congrats comrade.
Alex Tan: Congratulations,YB
Max Maximus: Congrats YB .....
Lim Chin Tian: congratulation..
Liau Kok Fah: congratulation
Heng Chang Shyan: congratulations
Tsfan Fan: 恭喜!
Huatseng Lee: 辛苦媽媽了。。
Yee Lee: 恭喜恭喜!
June Lee: 恭喜你,新手爸爸!
AC Tan: Congrates!!
Lee Hw: gongxi gongxi
Chong Kar Yan: congrates
Siang Siang Lim: 恭喜小火箭降临人世!
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Snowpiano Pang 彭雪琴: Congratulation! :D
美少妇: 恭喜你哦,你女儿应该大我女儿几天,我也在等待我家千金在这几天出世。恭喜恭喜荣升父亲。
Lian Hock Tan: 恭喜你总已为人父亲, 在此祝一家安康,也盼你事事如意,更上一层楼。Congratulations
Richard Loh: Congratulation YB
Mel Hung: congratz!!!
MeowSuan Tan: Congrat to u YB
Chan Khong Gin: Congratulation !!!
Cheong Mun Hong: Congratulation, YB Ng!!!
Wilson Teoh: What's her name?
Joseph Wong: congratulation Yb...2day 1st price 1008...hehe
Carly Phnuah: 哈哈,有空我要去看BB!!
Larry Cheng: congrats ~ now we have another future 校记 :D
Lee Shew Yean: 恭喜恭喜哦!当了爸爸了!哈哈!
Lee Shew Yean: 《光华》美丝:恭喜你20年后当岳父大人!
Pua Kai Chek: YB 那么快?你不是刚结婚不久吗?
Lee Shaw Yun: 恭喜
Chow Kum Hor: congrats!
Sin Hui: congratulation!
Steven Sim: congrats...hope mom and daughter in good health. see u later in ipoh
Liou Chen Kuang: congratulation!
Jeffrey Chew: congrats!
Lee Swee Lan: 恭喜!恭喜!恭喜!
Ng Yon Kok: Congratulation!
Chuah Jia Yi: 恭喜你哦~~
Crystal Chiam Shiying: keong hee keong hee~~~
Tay Leong Seng 戴良成: congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yen Han Lee: Congratulations la~~
Boon Hooi Khoo: congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adele Lee: kong xi kong xi......
Eddy Koay: congratulation :D
Kong Kok Heng: Congratulations!
Huey Mei: tahniah
Lian Hock Tan: 恭喜你已升为人父,也祝你一家安康,事事顺意,更上一层楼。 Congratulations ! what the baby cute name ?
Lian Hock Tan: 要早点回家及多陪太太和孩子,几时可看BB 呢 ?
Liew 崇正: Congratulations! YB
Dennis Cheah: Congratulations...
Cindy Teh: congrats!
Lian Hock Tan: 恭喜 - 很像你那样子, 哈哈哈
Eric Liew: congratulation...
Joyce Chen: Congratulation!
鄔永隆: 恭喜!!!
Bernard Cheah: Congratulations, YB! Hope all's well with you, your wife and the baby!~
BC? and MEL!
Joseph Ng: Congrats....
Angeline Yeoh Seow Hong: Congratulation ya!
Kah Yin: wow... congrats...
Carolyn O: congrats!
KuanSun Ong: 恭喜恭喜
Mimi Kong: congratulation!!!!!
Butcher Tan: Congrats!
Charlene Liw: congrads!!! bb gal or bb boy??
Jiun Ming: Congrats YB....
Lee Wei Jie: congrats YB...
Kim Low: Congrats!
Jason Sim: congratulations YB!
Chee Kwei Yunn: congrats
Wilson Teoh: Finally ... you are a DAD! CONGRATS!!!
Elaine Teh: Congrats ~~~ is baby boy or girl ?
Yee Law: congratulation to u and bao shi^^
Pak Malek Baretta: Tahniah...
Lu Stephen: Congratulation, and welcome to the club
Chan Ai Chen: Congratulation ^_^
陳漢光: 你生就一副岳父相兼家公相,再加油!与此同时,抽多点时间陪孩子伟大的妈妈。
Delphine Fan Yeen Lee: 恭喜恭喜恭恭喜,當了爸爸的偉益哦,不要當兇巴巴哦
胡慧君: 恭喜恭喜!踏入新的一年就喜事连连。
Mohd Izam Bin Hassan: Congrats 2U n ur wifey on ur newborn. [via Celcom SMS]
Lee Chun Beng: Congratulation!!!
Julio Lee: 哇!恭喜!
Ta Phaik Shan: 恭喜发财!红包拿来~
李菁雲: 剛好赶得及新年拿紅包,可喜可賀!
Bryan Lai Thiem Wah: 恭喜恭喜!!!!!做爸爸咯!!!!!
Liu Kim Moi: 恭喜。
Jen Yann: congratulation!!
Chan Lilian: Congratulations to you, YB.
Jeffrey Chew: congrats comrade.
Alex Tan: Congratulations,YB
Max Maximus: Congrats YB .....
Lim Chin Tian: congratulation..
Liau Kok Fah: congratulation
Heng Chang Shyan: congratulations
Tsfan Fan: 恭喜!
Huatseng Lee: 辛苦媽媽了。。
Yee Lee: 恭喜恭喜!
June Lee: 恭喜你,新手爸爸!
AC Tan: Congrates!!
Lee Hw: gongxi gongxi
Chong Kar Yan: congrates
Siang Siang Lim: 恭喜小火箭降临人世!
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Saturday, 16 January 2010
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
We dance to welcome 2010!

Emily Ng 這張超級好笑,笑死我了,哈哈哈
January 1 at 4:48pm
Chan Shusan 早知道拍video起來
January 1 at 6:12pm
Ta Phaik Shan 是咯是咯~林首长以歌致词的时候,也是很好笑~
January 1 at 6:24pm
Emily Ng 對啦,錄影的更好笑!
January 1 at 6:35pm

Emily Ng 曹觀友最好笑,哈哈哈,冷面笑匠果然不同凡響!
January 1 at 4:49pm
Neoh Choon Ling 曹觀友不只是常語出驚人,還是舞出驚人
January 1 at 4:51pm
Emily Ng 哈哈哈,所以才會讓我們大開眼界!
January 1 at 4:56pm
Siang Siang Lim 为何YB都舞起来了?
January 1 at 6:14pm
Ta Phaik Shan 他们很厉害喔~带给我们许多欢乐呢!哈哈~
January 1 at 6:28pm
Chinliang Cheah 3个YB跳舞效果好好好,好过花大钱请人来跳。
January 1 at 7:21pm
Neoh Choon Ling ss:因為他們要帶領全場人共舞,以破世界紀錄大全,所以特別賣力
January 1 at 10:35pm
Goh Layyoung YB偶尔与民同乐,可拉近彼此之间的距离,不过应适可而止,以免造成负面影响.
Sat at 10:24am
Sook Shyan Wong 难得YB跳舞,可惜我没看到,有没有人拍video?
Sat at 12:29pm
Low Vin Yin 哈哈!很好笑啊!~~
Sat at 1:24pm

Ta Phaik Shan 这张更爆笑~尤其是黄伟益指着动作一致的罗兴强和曹观友~哈哈哈...我快笑翻了~
January 1 at 6:31pm

Emily Ng 這張換羅興強了,哈哈
January 1 at 4:50pm · Report
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Monday, 4 January 2010
Homeless Wong Ah Pin finally gets a place in Liberty Home

I delivered a RM500 cheque to Mr Sim Choon Liang, the owner of Liberty Home to cover part of expenses for him to take care of Wong Ah Pin.
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