Monday 23 June 2008

Ridiculous and unfair directive by MOE

Look at this. This is a ridiculous directive issued by Ministry of Education. We should the arrogant BN leaders a lesson!

I used to be a prefect during my days in sixth form. Will this happen to me one day, probably?


Few months ago, I was invited to the Prefects' Reunion of SMK Subang Utama to be held next week. I just received news that I could no longer attend the function because I'm an assemblyman from Pakatan Rakyat.

Two prefects have confirmed that the teachers have issued a threat to the prefects to withdraw their invitation to me and if not, the event would be cancelled.

I am upset with this. Let me explain to you why this threat by the teachers is so fundamentally wrong:-

- this is a private function to be held outside the school;
- every past and present prefect is entitled to attend this event; and
- I was the Head Prefect for 1995/1996 and was one of the pioneers to start this yearly reunion for the prefects.

I am not a criminal or a bad role model. All I did was this, exercised my right to vote, exercised my right to stand for election, to stand up for my generation and to fight corruption. As a young person, I am not afraid to stand up for righteous principles, not afraid of intimidation by the 'supposedly powerful' groups but today I am told that I am not a welcoming sight at a function which I championed and fought for many years ago.


Blogger Lum CS said...

你怎么说 308選后100天 民联执政 up up DAP, down down BN (barang naik) 1
身为Penang Lang,我有权利知道搁置这两项计划的理由,以及如何分配原本用在上述计划的35亿令吉?
没有单轨火车,外环公路消失在茫然中,如何处置35亿令吉?到底35亿令吉是否继续用在槟城?若是,请问用在什么领域?教育?基 建?医药?还是自肥朋党?

29 June 2008 at 01:20  

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