Friday, 6 June 2008

Malaysia Boleh!

Harga terkini minyak per liter negara-negara pengeluar minyak:

Venezuela RM0.16
Turkmenistan RM0.25
Nigeria RM0.32
Iran RM0.35
Arab Saudi RM0.38
Kuwait RM0.67
Qatar RM0.68
Bahrain RM0.87
Mesir RM1.03
UAE RM1.19

Minyak Malaysia berapa? RM2.70! Syabas dan tahniah kepada penyokong-penyokong BN.

Harga minyak kita lebih murah daripada Thailand, Filipina dan Singapura.


Blogger Evankoay said...

malaysia boleh

6 June 2008 at 14:24  
Blogger Unknown said...

对于沙里尔的出尔反尔, 表示感叹和深感失望!

(1)他曾向大众媒体发表, 錾钉截铁说政府(内阁)肯定不会在週三(04/06/2008)宣布调整汽油价格的. 但是却来一招 '先斩后奏' 杀人民于 '措手不及' , 首相就在週三(04/06/2008)下午5时宣布调整新汽油价格并从午夜起生效.

或许在表面上勉强可以说是有顾及人民的利益, 不过, 人民是否有足够期限去做好准备呢? 另一方面, 说生效就生效, 导致许多人民处于紧急状况~争先恐后, (或许)不顾一切地到油站赶上最后一班车! 试问: 有关当局是否有顾及 '交通, 治安, 民生安全' 呢? 若是有任何不愉快或财物损失, 该归咎于有关当局, 还是怪罪于人民本身?

(2)此外, 也曾宣布和发表: 政府(内阁)将颁布和执行禁止外国车在边境地区添油的禁令, 以确定政府所实行的燃油津贴'只'利于我国人民100%享有权. 事不过几天, 我国政府却已取消禁止外国车在边境地区添油的禁令; 这些言论和禁令,如今已是告吹了! 眼见有不少马泰边境的泰国人民和新加坡居民已如常在当地添油.

以上种种惊人的言行举止, 出尔反尔~一再自圆其说(或欺骗人民), 果真是无人能敌, 高招! 试问, 诚信和公信力何在? 司法制度改革尚存一线希望, 还是改革无望吗?

阿都拉: 新的燃油津贴机制将会根据私家车引擎马力并且在车主更新路税时给与现金回扣, 有如以下:
~2000cc以下的轿车:RM625.00, 而电单车回扣则是:RM120.00.
~2000cc以上的轿车:路税将会(或)减至于RM200.00, 而250cc以上的电单车:路税将会(或)减至于RM50.00.

假设一辆1500cc轿车的燃油桶容量是45L, 每週添油1次, 一年将会是52次(週); 计算如下:

燃油: (45L*RM1.920) x 52 = RM4,492.80
+2008的路税:RM90.00 = RM4,582.80

燃油: (45L*RM2.700) x 52 = RM6,318.00
+路税优惠:RM90.00 = RM6,408.00
-现金回扣:RM625.00 = RM5,783.00

之前之后, 我们还是要被迫多付现金数额RM1,200.20!

难道这就是我们的代价, 对人民有极好的新燃油津贴机制?!


为何硬是负面说'街头示威抗议', 为什么不能以正面去看/想那只不过是民意调查和平聚会呢? 或许, 人民联盟议员们是在做民意调查有关于新的汽油价格和燃油津贴机制, 以便可以把有关民意带入国会商讨?

(2)相反的人民应该和政府同心协力商讨最好的途径, 以确保燃油涨价的问题能够尽早获得解决.

多么的和蔼和亲啊! 在司法改革的课题方案上, 想问一下: '内安法令&官方机密法令'是否有任何动摇或改变? 倘如说, 人民是否可以不要政府即将实行的新燃油津贴机制所得到的现金回扣, 以便替换回原先的汽油价或者是调整较低的数额吗?

既然说是协力商讨和如此体恤人民, 为何政府(内阁)不再做一次财政预算, 以便可以动用国油公司每年数以百亿的盈利(花费)应充津贴(添增现金回扣数额)以减低人民的负担? 这样也算得上是回馈于我国人民吧!

(3)反对党作了些什么...他们做出种种的承诺,他们设法把这事情政治化? 反对党只会把燃油涨价的事情政治化, 他们本身却无法实现他们的诺言!

至第12届大选惨败重挫后, 为何事到如今还不知悔过!?

相信蕉赖皇冠城居民不会反对这样的说法; 经过人民联盟议员们与居民们一番 '不屈不挠+流血事件' 的努力奋斗, 也可说是暂时得以解决和舒婉情绪! 如果这样也算不上, 难不成要像有关当局以及其他同僚的办事能力才能堪称为'世界第一等'?

如今唯有待民盟议员们的民意调查报告, 以便把有关民意带入国会商讨. 真想不到, 民盟议员们的好意, 却被某政党成员视为'设法把这事情政治化'来歪曲事实? 相信不是民盟无法实现他们的诺言, 而是遇上了'拦路虎'罢了! 真替民盟议员们心惊胆跳! 是谁把这事情政治化, 相信大家心知肚明吧?

人民联盟议员们~继续努力, 这种体恤民情的服务精神是值得表扬的! 谢谢!

7 June 2008 at 17:11  
Blogger Unknown said...

Talk abt tax rebates to car owner!
On 04/06/2008, Trade Minister said our fuel price wouldn't have any 'adjustment', and to newly fuel subsidy scheme (cash rebate by postal order) was executed on Apr08 till Mar09, hereby would like to ask and query HIM:

- Renewed my road on May08 before hefty fuel price, am I entitle for the tax rebate:RM625.00?

`YES`, with any further term & conditions, such as: "(1)renew my 09-road tax in advance? (2)wait and collect it when I renew 09-road tax?". How soon can I collect it, on the spot...3days...7days...or month by months...or year by years, update and given us same accuse:"it is a standard procedure"? Will you act as Chief Minister of Penang, Mr. Lim Guan Eng, follow his CAT system to minimize unnecessary suspicious such as corruption, low performance, & etc.?

`NO`, stop lying and cheating me, plsss...! Show me your sincerity and trustworthy, to rebuild (barangx2 naik)BN reputation!

Previously I was others' brand fuel user; when I knew and understood BN'ptronas fuel subsidy scheme, and started to use brand.P fuel for my car, to show my appreciation! However, from now on, everything is different and changed to Shell! Why...?

Hopeless and dissatisfy the day after PM announced BN.ptronas should lower and depreciated fuel subsidy in order to 'cut cost' for future development plans! Look at international fuel market price, daily increasing to USD100++, what's a 'millions or billions' profit to Bn.ptronas, congratulation!

BN.ptronas & PM Ministry Cabinet, hereis my suggestion:
-I'm 45L car owner, no matter how best is the tax rebate scheme, even deducted the amount of RM625.00 /year and no change on 2008 road tax amount of RM90.00, I still 'force' to extra pay RM1,200.20 per annum!
-Don't talk abt others, action on anti-corruption 1st! Smart and proper plan on M'sian benefits, such as public transportation system and daily f&b expenses, don't waste our MONEY!
-Consider on NGV subsidy scheme, and encourage car owner to start installing and using NGV system? Why not implementing and subsidy on NGV system?
Do you know that, simple calculation shown that: even NGV system installation might be 1k++, however, monthly -yearly will save up 'certain amount : my car can saved up RM2-3k per year!'. I think this is an alternative solution me (or all car owner?)! As YOU said, 'cut-cost'!
With only one condition, try to authorize multi-brand company to provide similar product-&-services in order to prevent and minimize 'traffic jam'.

MP. Lim, I'm not sure is it possible to bring topic of 'subsidy on NGV system, especially on installation and maintenance' to Parliament? It might be more helpful and benefit to us, M'sian!

Warmest regards,

9 June 2008 at 13:26  

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