Thursday, 5 June 2008

Sad! Another thumbs down for BN

The government has announced that petrol price will go up by 78 sen at midnight - a 40.6 percent jump from RM1.92 per litre to RM2.70.

At the same time, Prime Minister also revealed an increase in electricity tariffs - by up to 20 percent - will be effective July 1.

It's a double whammy! Hear what my friend said,

"My relatives said, actually our country is very wealthy one but all the BN peoples take too much curruption. So, country no more money now. That's why petrol price need to be increased."

This is the public perception towards petrol and electricity tariffs hike. We are expecting the price for a few dozens of items will be going up soon.

May be, we have to stage another round of public protests to express our dissatisfaction on these announcement.


Blogger Unknown said...

Petrol price hike is inevitable. Have a read at this article.

How would any public protest help now? If any, it is just going to aggravate the anger. As a state government, DAP-PKR could perhaps act professional and educate the public, particularly the lower income group, the need for proper financial control, and perhaps to a certain extend, proper family planning.

Help the people go through with it.

5 June 2008 at 21:30  
Blogger Unknown said...

DAP only know shooting BN...the rest dont know how to do liao...

5 June 2008 at 23:32  
Blogger weiaik said...

To rosyred,

BN deserves to be shot. Please remember, wool grows from the body of sheep...

6 June 2008 at 00:37  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear YB, As a citizen of Penang I really do not wish to see or read constant "shooting" back and forth. We all know of BN's incompetence.

However, as much as any political party wants power, people join politics because they wish to help people. Political party exist because they want to help people.

At this time of crisis, you personally acting as a YB, a political secretary to our Chief Minister, your party, your coalition should help people go through with it - not organise protest.

Start with basic planning. Penang has a mediocre bus system. RapidPenang is not at fault. In fact from my viewpoint they have been doing very well. The lack of planning and implementation is the problem. The previous government is at fault for that. However, this is where the new government can help.

Melbourne, where I currently reside, has a wonderful public transportation system. Perhaps someone in Penang would like to organise a study trip to Melbourne to study how it all works?

Please YB, stop with all the "shooting". A concern citizen really do not want to hear it.

6 June 2008 at 12:39  
Blogger imagination said...

The fuel price increased is something that is seen coming with the continous increased of world fuel price. I will be pleased if you can share with us the plan that Pakatan will introduce if they have come into the Federal Government on how do we cushion the impact or sustained the old pricing (not to mentioned decreasing them).

From a holistic view, the issue is much bigger than Pakatan or Barisan. It has to do with world economy. From my limited understanding, no one can pin point to the root cause of the continous spiralling of the fuel price but lots of theories has been speculated. Some believed it is supply-demand factor while some believed it is speculations. It will do Pakatan a boost in your leadership if you could engage the other developing countries to discuss and execute plan on how to sustain the pricing. It needs strong co-operation to take this another level.

The question is can Pakatan does this or the request is out of Pakatan jurisdiction ?

9 June 2008 at 20:44  

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