Wednesday 10 June 2009

A letter to the Star

Dear Editor,

Though the Star is one of the papers that has been advocating for freedom of press, I know that this letter will probably never be published for many reasons. I understand your reasons and empathize with you. Yet I feel the need to say my piece and hope that through a miracle it will be published.

I was in Penang recently for a short holiday and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised by the positive changes that I see there as compared to what I saw when I was there 3 years ago. It is so, so, much cleaner now – three years ago, there was rubbish every where – whether it’s in housing areas or in the city centre. Traffic then was chaotic – this time around yes, the traffic is equally heavy, if not more, at all hours of the day but it was orderly.

I remember three years ago the smell of hawker food was always marred by smell of rotting garbage. Now, you can actually smell pure, unadulterated Penang food sans the smell of garbage/rubbish. Headline in today's Star showed a very hazy picture of KL but in Penang there were blue skies with beautiful fluffly white clouds. You know way ahead if there was roadworks going on, leaving you plenty of time to get into the right lane - very efficient, like in developed countries.

Penang used to be called the Pearl of the Orient but for many years the lustre of that pearl was lost. I used to cringe in shame whenever I heard anyone use that old name. But, today, I am proud to refer to Penang as the Pearl of the Orient once again.

As much as the ruling coalition dislike the thought of having ‘lost’ Penang, I truly hope that they will be matured enough not to do anything to disrupt the positive changes. Yes, the lost was a bitter pill to swallow but who was responsible for your ‘lost’ or poor showing in the election? However, you can still redeem yourselves by showing us and proving to us, the rakyat, that you are matured people, by playing fair and not employing underhanded tactics to undermine the works of the opposition. When you do that you are hurting us the rakyat and our country. If you, politicians from the ruling coalition say you love our country and the rakyat, prove it to us by your actions.

Whatever it is and whether BN likes it or not it’s a fact that DAP is doing a great and fabulous job in Penang. Keep up the good work!!

By Dolly


Blogger 爱我的人 said...

:D dolly fish?;)
san nian qian ta men zuo bu hao de ni men zuo dao le :( jiu zhi de kai xin ?
nan guai ni men de jin du na me man,
jiao ao zi da de ren tong chang dou shi shuai zui hou wei.

12 June 2009 at 02:44  
Blogger DaNoobz said...

English plz lolz.
so hard to read it lolz.
No offence. :)

Agreed with Dolly :)
DAP is doing a great and fabulous job in Penang. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. :)

15 June 2009 at 07:29  

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